Our Team
We love fast cars, we love to have a good time and most of all we love Family. We know how important your vehicle is to you and your family, so we make sure that we treat your cars, trucks and SUV’s as if our own family would drive them. We are a family owned business and we believe in quality work is the only kind of work. Take a look below and meet our team, the new members to your family.
Meet Bob & Bob
Yoandry, aka Yoshi (left), and Gilbert aka Gil (right) are the two owners of Shiftin2gear. Along side that, Yoshi is Shiftin2gear’s ASE Master Technician with over 13 years of experience. Yoshi has been working on cars since he was 14 years old. Gilbert likes to work on cars too.. but he does not like grease. So he is better at business operations, sales, marketing and handing Yoshi tools. We specialize in late model Chevrolet’s and Master Techs in C4,C5,C6,C7 Corvettes along other domestic, Import and European models However, we work on anything! Check out our Recent Work page to see all the different cars we have had the pleasure of working on!
The In-Laws
We wanted to highlight these guys because without them shiftin2gear would of not been possible. When shiftin2gear started we were located in their property and we worked in the open, exposed to all the elements we would place our tools and parts in an 8x10 shed named sharpie. Since then they have helped in every way imaginable but the biggest help has been watching and caring for both Yoshi’s and Gilbert’s kiddos. They are a big contribution to our team.
Meet Zoey & Royce
When we say family operated, we mean it. When we drop a bolt in small tight areas. These guys come to the rescue!